
We are the Sons of Technology.

We are the Sons of Technology. We grasped technology from a young age, whether mechanical or digital, developing a fascination with chips that doubled in power every two years, amazed by the computers powering the moon landing that were weaker than the phones in our hands, and infatuated with the ever evolving role technology has had in almost every facet of our lives. We watched, used, and even built the Internet from its humble beginnings into the world-wide juggernaut that it is today. Today we write apps, sell software, and run companies.

We ride. We found the roar of an engine and the wind in our faces was something that gave us a feeling never felt before. From the first twist of a throttle we were hooked. The feeling of leaning into a corner and owning every inch of the road made us only want more. The endless customizations, unique looks, and respect for individual tastes drew us in further to the culture. We have all at some point during the middle of a ride, been overcome with a sense of true freedom that we had never felt before. We ride because we can’t imagine life without it.

We find that the marriage of motorcycles and technology presents an opportunity for those that share these two core interests to come to together and feel a common bond that few others have. There is an enigma about those both intelligent enough to work in tech and wild enough to straddle an engine that when gathered together makes for an inspiring and exciting group of people. It presents an opportunity for those working in any facet of technology to expand their network beyond just coworkers and industry peers. It becomes a way to start a ride with a group of strangers and have it end with new friends.

We are not a motorcycle club; but we respect their heritage and histories.

We are not pretending to be ‘bikers’; but we are far more than just ‘weekend warriors’.

We do not wear cuts, colors, rockers, or claim any territory; the internet is our home.

We do not discriminate against operating systems, motorcycle brands, races, religions, political affiliations, military status, sexual orientations, or gender. All are welcome who share our interests and values.

We are a network of professionals that have gathered around a common love of technology, motorcycles, and freedom.

We are made of code and oil and believe in open roads and open source.

We are the Sons of Technology.